Life-Changing Wisdom That Will Put Time in Perspective
The space on the YOLO bandwagon seems to have gotten much smaller in recent years. Everyone supposedly wants to “live every moment like it’s the last” in order to claim “no regrets” at life’s end. A few years ago, Bronnie Ware wrote a book titled “The Top Five Regrets of the Dying: A Life Transformed […]
Strong legs help power summer activities: Hiking, biking, swimming, and more
My favorite summer activities officially kick in when the calendar flips to May. It’s prime time for open water swimming, running, cycling, hiking, and anything else that gets me outside and moving. Yet, my first step is to get my legs in shape. “Legs are the foundation for most activities,” says Vijay Daryanani, a physical […]
Gyn Care 101: What to know about seeing a gynecologist
When should you see a gynecologist? The answer is simple in some ways, more complicated in others. If you’re a woman or a person with female reproductive organs, experts recommend that you start seeing a gynecologist when you become sexually active, or at least once before the age of 21. Good gyn care, as this […]
These Women Prove That Beauty is Ageless
Issue No. 19 features a layout with some of the women from Iconic Focus, an agency that represents ageless beauty and combats the current obsession with youth that pervades our beauty culture. So obviously, we at Darling love them. Each woman we interviewed had incredible answers to our questions, but we only had so much space […]
A Poem for Mother’s Day
She Who Made Me She held my life In her gentle arms; The joyful unknown Of endless possibilities. Carrying the scars That she bore to bring me here, These lines that furrow her brows From the days She helped me carry my sorrows. She holds the patience I wish I could grasp, Seeing the good […]
How Imperfect People Can Do Great Things
Whether we wish we could serve the poor and alleviate suffering like Mother Teresa or pioneer critical scientific research like Marie Curie, we all dream of doing beautiful, world-changing things with our lives. Yet, no matter how much we might long to follow in the footsteps of such women, who in fact believes themselves capable […]
A Poem for Spring
The Dawning Of Spring: The pitter patter of feathered songs Brush along the ears Of the early morning, As robins scurry across the lawns Of unsuspecting neighbors. Crocus boasts To be the first Among the flowers To touch the crisp air; She spreads her petals proudly So the children might admire her. And notice the […]
How I Wrestled Through My Desire For Motherhood While Single
“Excuse me, I need to use the restroom,” I stood to walk away from the kitchen table. Closing the door and turning on the faucet, I collapsed into a child’s pose, tears silently falling. The high-end tile felt cold against my face. My empty stomach groaned, not out of hunger, but out of a craving […]
Why We Need More Round Table Discussions
Social media allows us to share some of the deepest and most polarizing opinions with the push of a button. The ease of challenging others or upholding values while masked by an online identity is convenient, but such an environment could also lead us to miscommunicate, dehumanize others, or come across more harshly than we mean to. That’s why […]
How to Remain a Gracious Leader
When you work hard to accomplish your goals, do everything in your power to achieve a milestone and earn a leadership position, you have every right to be proud of your successes. However, it’s also just as important to remain gracious and treat your team with the same respect once you have made it to […]